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"How much water it is need to produce our food? " from SpeiseGut

How much water do we need to produce our food? How does climate change play a role in the production of our food?

By watching this greenhouse in partnership with SPEISEGUT, we find the answer to this questions. The amount of water in the water tank tells us how much water the young plants need, and the variety of fruits and vegetables shows the change in our regional food as a result of climate change.

About Speisegut
For seven years, SpeiseGut has been supplying people in Berlin with organic and locally grown vegetables and fruit, and is doing important educational work for a sustainable model of agriculture on about 12 hectares. Located in Gatow, Speisegut grow food almost exclusively open air according to the principles of solidarity agriculture.
Together with SpeiseGut team, farmer Christian manages several areas within the Berlin urban area.The products can also be purchased in the regional shop "Alte Feuerwache". All products are produced at maximum regionally according to ecological criteria and under fair working conditions. SpeiseGut is Naturland Fair certified.

What is Solidary Agriculture?
In solidaristic agriculture, several private households bear the costs of a farm, in exchange for which they receive their crops. Through personal relationships, both growers and consumers experience the many benefits of non-industrial, market-independent farming. In addition, the community sometimes help with the field. The basic idea behind this is that the farmer receives planning security and risks are borne in solidarity by the community and not solely by the responsible farmer. Together we make our personal contribution to the success of the agricultural turn towards a solidary, regional and sustainable agriculture. Definitely a successful model for a sustainable food system.



The installation will be placed at Steinplatz on the first of August until 31st of August. You are welcome to come visit it.


In collaboration with:

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Greenhouse by:

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