Art and food are powerful tools to educate people to a more sustainable future, to carry out a reflection on how to promote positive change.
This greenhouse hosts the works of different artists, including the students from UDK (Berlin) and University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy).
We cannot survive well without creativity and without understanding our natural systems, and we must fight for hearing more about these topics into our school institutions, as well as into our everyday life. This is why FAW collaborates with universities, by doing workshops and by giving space to new talents, by letting them perform along with established artists.
The installation will be placed at Steinplatz on the first of August until 31st of August. You are welcome to come visit us.
Art and food are powerful tools to educate people to a more sustainable future, to carry out a reflection on how to promote positive change.
This greenhouse hosts the works of different artists, including the students from UDK (Berlin) and University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy).
We cannot survive well without creativity and without understanding our natural systems, and we must fight for hearing more about these topics into our school institutions, as well as into our everyday life. This is why FAW collaborates with universities, by doing workshops and by giving space to new talents, by letting them perform along with established artists.
The installation will be placed at Steinplatz on the first of August until 31st of August. You are welcome to come visit us.
This is an educational video available for free download to all people and schools willing to teach about the impact of food in our environment. Made in collaboration with students of Friedensburg OS, part of the Kulturagenten Program, and supported by Stabsstelle Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung Bezirk Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf of Berlin.
Film by Tainá Guedes in collaboration with Amadeus Lindemann, Professor María José Garcia, and public school Friedensburg OS
Text revision by Terence Mickey
Special thanks to Medienwerkstatt, Katharina Stahlhoven
PARTICIPANTS Ariel Rohner, Aymara von Borries, Josef Felix Lohmann, Leon Schmitt, Marcela Moreira, Mara von Franqué, Naja Sáenz, Paula Montesinos, Raquel Zanolla, Valentina López.
Ariel Rohner, Amadeus Lindemann, Leon Schmitt and Mara von Franqué.
FAW is glad to present the video of the workshop done last February by Tainá Guedes with the students of UNISG - Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche at the Master of Gastronomy: Creativity, Ecology, and Education, a program directed by Professor Nicola Perullo. Video by Giovanni Giorgi who came over to Berlin to continue to explore possible ways of promoting positive social-environmental change in our world with us. Giovanni Giorgi is curently working in a new performance that will take place at our main event this year on 17.8, at Steinplatz. Within this post we want to reinforce the importance of education in times of climate change, hunger, water scarcity, along other world crisis. Within this post we want to raise awareness about the importance of creating new ways, new connetions to touch people’s heart, in order to affect change. At Food Art Week we believe in the power of using art to do so. Educate and inspire people, can lead us to make better now and in the future. Join us in August! Thanks Giovanni, all students, all participants, Prof. Nicola Perullo, Prof. Paolo Gruppuso, Team of UNISG
Greenhouse by: